Block and Dodge Class
Each creature has 2 scores defining its defensive capabilities, Block Class (BC) and Dodge Class (DgC).
Dodge class is a measure of how hard the creature is to hit. To hit attacks below DgC miss the targets and deal no damage.
DgC = 10 + Dodge + AGI
Block class signifies resilience to damage. Attacks and effects that hit a creature can be greatly reduced (but not completely negated) by armour and other padding around the creature.If to hit roll is more than dodge class but less than block class the target is hit but only takes half of the damage. Damage from effects that require skill checks to resist is also halved if the check DC is less than creature's Block Class.
BC = 10 + Block + STR
All creatures have BC and DgC, but special items, effects and features could also grant three other defensive numbers: Shielding, Damage Treshold and Damage Reduction.
Shilding is a pool of HP on top of creature's regular HP that is always used first whenever creature takes damage. If a creature takes more damage than the amount of shielding it has left, the rest of the damage affects its normal HP.
Some creatures and items are impervious to small amounts of damage. Those creatures and items have Damage Treshold score. Whenever a target receives amount of damage less than its damage treshold from a single source it takes no damage. Wheneve such creature or item takes damage equal or more than its damage treshold it takes damage normally, without any reducions, as if damage treshold didn't exist.
Rare creatures and object have damage reduction. This reduction applies to every single source of damage, reducing the amount of damage by the number specified. If a creature or an item with a damage reduction would receive less damage than its damage reduction, it receives no damage instead.