What is AoA?

Age of Adventure is open source, modular, multi-genre table top role playing game.

Open Source

Age of Adventure is developed in the open. This means all of the core data, site and functionality are available for everyone to see, copy and modify (in their own version), without the need to ask for permission.

Repositories are available at the following links:

This openess means that AoA is free to everyone but also that everyone is free to propose contributions, and if they are seen as appropriate and beneficial by the core maintainers, they will be accepted into the core and made available to everyone. Of course, at that point those creations become part of the core and subject to its open licencing, so only make those contributions if you are fine with that.

This open model diminishes our control over the system and reduces our chances for any monetisation greatly, but we hope that it can foster positive and and productive community of creators, game moderators and players that are making everyone's experience with the game we all love that much more enjoyable.


Almost everything in AoA that can be made modular is. On the highest level you can enable or disable various genre or setting specific modules to filter down exactly to the experience you want. This way you don't need to care about laser guns if you want to play stone age mammut hunt. But also you do not need to learn new core rules when you want to help defeat evil galactic empire. You just switch modules, allowing for maximum flexibility.

Character and item creation (and many other things) are also made modular. This means you are not stuck playing wisdom based druid just because that is what druids are. you can easily combine druid features with intellect based fitures to create a savy and scientific explorer of nature or come up with any other combination of features you want for your character. Because of how combinatorics work, this makes number of character builds in AoA near infinite. It is therefor very likely that the character you make for your AoA game will be completely unique to you.

This modular design also means that every new creation you make for AoA gets to be used in countless ways, with a minimum effort. Lets say you are creating dark setting where good guys use special divine light to fight against zombies, vampires and the rest. Creating this one feature immediately enables paladines and clerics to use it, but it might also find a way into some gunslinger build down the road, making your game more interesting and aiding in the future worldbuilding.

Multi Genre

Modularity enables AoA to be multi genre TTRPG without pushing, tearing and stretching of the rules usually required to addapt such game systems to a genre they were not created for. This means that learning this one ruleset future proofs your games even if you want to completely shift the tone down the road. If you are a world builder this also means that AoA is here to support you even when you stray off of a beaten path and add advanced alien civilisation to your sword and sorcery setting. Or introduce magic in space. Or any other even rarer combination of things. Who knows, maybe looking down the list of modules even sparks some ideas for a new genre you haven't tried or thought about before.

Tabletop Role Playing Game

Age of Adventure belongs to the group of games intended to be played around the table with a group of friends, paper, pens and some dice. During the gameplay the players jump into the roles of fantasy caracters they created and roleplay (mostly narrate, but feel free to go as hard as you want) their actions. Once the consequences of those actions are resolved using some dice and elementary math we are left with the story created and told in collaboration with everyone at the table. This usually creates enjoyable, shared experience that is hard to forget and continues to bring value to the entire group. After all, how can you not be close friends, when you have beaten that dragon together?