Huge Beast, Raptor Eagle, Flying Predator, Flying Beast, Level 15
Fly: 12
Normal: 7
Damage immunity:
Damage resistance:
Damage vulnerability:
Condition immunity:
Acrobatics: 9, Adventuring: 3, Block: 2, Bluff: 1, Bravery: 2, Dodge: 7, Exertion: 3, Focus: 1, Intimidation: 2, Life Force: 1, Nature: 1, Navigation: 3, Perception: 12, Precision: 7, Sleight: 5, Stamina: 3, Stealth: 1, Toughness: 1
Movement: +2, Sight: +4, Unarmed Attacks: +6
Dive. If This creature uses its flying speed before attacking on its turn the attack is done with advantage and deals additional die of damage.
Hard to Hide. This creature has double disadvantage on stealth checks.
Hard to hit. Whenever This creature moves using its flying speed it gains +3 to its dodge (cumulative) until the beginning of its next turn. While This creature is flying all attacks of opportunity against it are made with disadvantage. At the beginning of each of its turns This creature can make one flying move action as a free action.
Keen sight. This creature has advantage of perception checks that rely on sight.
◆: Peck. Melee unarmed attack, Sleight(AGI) to hit. 1d8 + AGI slashing damage. Whenever This creature fully hits with a peck attack the target must make Toughness(VIT) check equal to the damage taken, max 40, or take additional 1d6 ravaging damage and be blinded until the beginning of This creature's next turn. Whenever This creature fully hit with its peck attack for the first time in a turn it can immediately make another peck attack as a free action.
◆: Talons. Melee unarmed attack, Sleight(AGI) to hit. 4d4 + AGI slashing damage. If This creature hits a single creature with 2 or more talons attacks in a single turn it deals additional ⨂d6 ravaging damage to that creature at the end of its turn, where ⨂ is the number of hits on that creature using talons attack. Once per turn, whenever This creature fully hits with talons attack it can immediately use talons attack again as a free action. Whenever This creature uses its talons attack as a reaction it can make 2 talons attacks instead.
◆◆: Gale Slam. This creature flaps its majestic wings, causing strong wind. Creatures in 5 m cone must make Toughness(STR) check equal to 10 + This creature's Acrobatics or take 4d8 STR bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. On success creatures take half damage and are not knocked prone. This creature can immediately move 2 m in opposite direction of its cone.
⮌, Whenever This creature is declared target of attack, if it is flying: Aerial Ace. This creature immediately moves half of its flying movement speed, granting disadvantage on the declared attack. This counts as movement for the purpose of its Hard to hit feature.
⮌, Whenever This creature is hit by a melee attack: Gale Slam Reposition. This creature makes a Gale Slam attack against the attacker.