Small Humanoid, Halfling Sunday Halfling, Travelling Troubadour, Sea Gate Metropolitan, Level 6
Normal: 5
Damage immunity:
Damage resistance:
Damage vulnerability:
Condition immunity:
Acrobatics: 1, Adventuring: 1, Allure: 3, Artistry: 4, Bluff: 2, Bravery: 1, Brewing: 1, Diplomacy: 7, Dodge: 1, Focus: 1, History: 3, Insight: 7, Intimidation: 1, Linguistics: 2, Precision: 1, Sleight: 1, Society: 6, Stealth: 2
Inventors Tools: +2, Movement: -1, Performance: +4, String Instruments: +2
Celestial, Common
Bardic Dice. This creature has ⨂1d6 bard dice where ⨂ is equal to its Artistry. This creature regains its used bard dice at the end of its long rest.
Chosen by Fate. Once per rest, whenever This creature rolls 1 on a d20, it can immediately roll again, using the second result instead.
Halfling Hospitality. Whenever This creature is preparing food, it makes DC 15 Brewing(CHA) check. On success the food tastes absolutely delicious for the next hour. Creatures that eat prepared food as part of rest can add This creature's Brewing to each hit die they use as part of that rest and all fear effects on them immediately end.
Historian. Wherever This creature succeeds on a help action using its History, the creature it is helping adds This creature's history modifier to the main roll.
Intelligent Manipulator. Whenever This creature uses its Psionic abilities to force a creature to make a skill check, if the creature's INT is lower than This creature's they make the skill check with disadvantage. This creature has advantage on all Diplomacy checks against creatures with lower INT than it.
Mentalist. This creature gains 4 PP that it can use to power Psionic Abilities from Telepaty discipline. It regains half of PP at the end of every rest. If This creature uses more than 1 PP on a single ability, roll on Psionic Punishment table. Whenever This creature finishes a rest, it can select a number of Telepaty Psionic Abilities that it can use, equal to its Psionics bonus. Those are the abilities it can power until the end of its next long rest. This creature's psionic attack modifier equals its Insight(CHA) check and its psionic difficulty class equals 8 + its Insight(CHA) modifier.
◆: Bardic inspiration. This creature gives one of its bardic dice to a creature other than itself, that can hear it, within 10 m, or within 10 m of a source of its voice. Once within the next 10 minutes the creature can add bard dice to a skill check or attack it makes. Only one bardic die can be added to a single skill check or attack, even if the creature has multiple available. Once the bardic die is rolled, or 10 minutes pass, it is lost.