Medium Humanoid/Undead, Human Rhine, Outlaw, Redclay Frontiers, Level 10
Normal: 7
Damage immunity:
Damage resistance:
Damage vulnerability:
Condition immunity:
Acrobatics: 1, Artistry: 1, Block: 3, Bluff: 2, Bravery: 1, Crafting: 2, Diplomacy: 1, Dodge: 4, Engineering: 2, Exertion: 6, Focus: 1, Intimidation: 2, Life Force: 2, Medicine: 1, Perception: 1, Precision: 5, Resilience: 2, Sleight: 2, Society: 1, Stamina: 4, Stealth: 2, Toughness: 3
Guns: +4, Initiative: +2, Movement: +1, Rifles: +2, Thrown Attacks: +2
Dire. This creature's melee attacks deal additional die of damage of the type they are already dealing. While This creature is bloodied all its movement speeds are increased by 1 m, has advantage on all melee attacks and if it receives healing from any source it receives the maximum amount of HP.
Frontiersman. If This creature does not have a bonus in a weapon they have +1 in that weapon. If This creature does not have a bonus in a tool they have +1 in that tool. If This creature does not have a bonus in a shield or armour they have +1 in that shield or armour.
Rhine Diplomacy. This creature adds 1d4 to all Society and Diplomacy checks.
Weapon Thrower. This creature's thrown distances are increased by 5 m. Whenever This creature throws a weapon it can switch weapons as part of that attack. Thrown attacks deal additional die of damage to one of the targets of the attack. This creature can retrieve their thrown weapons as a free action if they are in melee range of the last target. This creature can make thrown attacks in melee without disadvantage. If they do they also immediately retrieve thrown weapons.
Level 0 Weapon, Dagger
Coating: 1
Bloodied Edge. If you are bloodied, your Bowie Knife attacks deal 1 additional die of damage.
◆: Cut. Melee weapon attack. Sleight(AGI) to hit. 1d4 + AGI slashing damage.
◆: Pommel Strike. Melee weapon attack. Sleight(AGI) to hit. AGI bludgeoning damage. On full hit This creature's next attack during this turn gains one level of advantage.
◆: Stab. Melee weapon attack. Sleight(AGI) to hit. 1d4 + AGI piercing damage.
◆◆◆: Gut Hook. Melee weapon attack. Sleight(AGI) to hit. 2d6 + AGI piercing damage. If the target is bloodied this attack deals additional ⨂d4 slashing damage where ⨂ is your AGI.
Level 0 Weapon, Bomb
Explosive: 1
1x Dynamite:
Level 4 Explosive
Fire Explosion: Whenever this item is consumed, all creatures within 2 m must make Dodge(AGI) check equal to 14 or take 4d6 fire damage. On success the creature takes half of the damage.
Shockwave: Whenever this item is consumed, all creatures within 2 m must make Toughness(STR) check equal to 14 or take 2d8 force damage. On complete failure the creature is knocked prone. On success the creature takes half of the damage.
Volatile. This item has weakness to fire damage. Whenever this item takes 10 or more damage from a single source it is destroyed and any explosive it carries is consumed.
◆, explosive: Plant. This creature drops this item in place. At the next initiative count of 20 all explosives are consumed and this item is destroyed.
◆◆: Lob. Thrown weapon. Distance: 15 m. Select a point within distance with line of attack. You lob Stick Of Dynamite to that point, then all explosives are consumed and this item is destroyed.