Hit dice: 8
Skills increase: Acrobatics: 1 History: 1 Research: 1
Chronobreaker. Whenever This creature finishes its normal turn, if there are 3 or more creatures in the initiative tracker, This creature moves one place up the initiative, ignoring any legendary and environmental turns. If it is already first in the initiative order it moves to the last place instead, taking that turn as well.
Skills increase: Dodge: 1 Insight: 1 Stealth: 1
Chronobreaker. Whenever This creature finishes its normal turn, if there are 3 or more creatures in the initiative tracker, This creature moves one place up the initiative, ignoring any legendary and environmental turns. If it is already first in the initiative order it moves to the last place instead, taking that turn as well. Whenever you use one or more reactions roll d4. On 1 you cannot take any more reactions until the beginning of your next turn. On 3 and 4 you immediately regain a reactions.
Skills increase: Adventuring: 1 Bluff: 1 History: 1
Chronobreaker. Whenever This creature finishes its normal turn, if there are 3 or more creatures in the initiative tracker, This creature moves one place up the initiative, ignoring any legendary and environmental turns. If it is already first in the initiative order it moves to the last place instead, taking that turn as well. Whenever you use one or more reactions roll d4. On 1 you cannot take any more reactions until the beginning of your next turn. On 3 and 4 you immediately regain a reactions. At the end of its turn This creature can immediately teleport to an unoccupied space you occupied during this turn.
Trait increase: AGI: 1
Chronobreaker. Whenever This creature finishes its normal turn, if there are 3 or more creatures in the initiative tracker, This creature moves one place up the initiative, ignoring any legendary and environmental turns. If it is already first in the initiative order it moves to the last place instead, taking that turn as well. Whenever you use one or more reactions roll d4. On 1 you cannot take any more reactions until the beginning of your next turn. On 3 and 4 you immediately regain a reactions. If This creature has at least ◆ at the beginning of its regular turn, it can roll d4. On 1 it loses ◆. On 3 it gains ◆ and on 4 it gains ◆◆ during that turn.