Age of Adventure


Hit dice: 10

Devour 1

Skills increase: Exertion: 1 Intimidation: 1 Toughness: 1

◆◆, If This creature is grappling creature using bite attack: Devour. Melee unarmed attack, This creature makes Bite attack with advantage afainst grappled creature. Grappled creature must make Resilience(STR) check equal to the damage taken, max 40, or be devoured. Creature that is devoured is restrained, fully obscured from outside and takes 1d8 acid and 1d8 bludgeoning damage at the beginning of each of its turns. Whenever This creature takes damage, if devoured creature is still alive, it must make Toughness(VIT) check equal to half of the damage taken, max 40. On failure the creature is thrown out, knocked prone in front of This creature and is not devoured anymore.

Devour 2

Skills increase: Life Force: 1 Resilience: 1 Stamina: 1

◆◆, If This creature is grappling creature using bite attack: Devour. Melee unarmed attack, This creature makes Bite attack with advantage afainst grappled creature. Grappled creature must make Resilience(STR) check equal to the damage taken, max 40, or be devoured. Creature that is devoured is restrained, fully obscured from outside and takes 2d8 acid and 2d8 bludgeoning damage at the beginning of each of its turns. Whenever This creature takes damage, if devoured creature is still alive, it must make Toughness(VIT) check with advantage equal to half of the damage taken, max 40. On failure the creature is thrown out, knocked prone in front of This creature and is not devoured anymore.

Devour 3

Skills increase: Block: 1 Exertion: 1 Toughness: 1

◆◆, If This creature is grappling creature using bite attack: Devour. Melee unarmed attack, This creature makes Bite attack with advantage afainst grappled creature. Grappled creature must make Resilience(STR) check equal to the damage taken, max 40, or be devoured. Creature that is devoured is restrained, fully obscured from outside and takes 2d10 acid and 2d10 bludgeoning damage at the beginning of each of its turns. This creature has resistance to all damage done by devoured creatures. Whenever This creature takes damage, if devoured creature is still alive, it must make Toughness(VIT) check with advantage equal to half of the damage taken, max 40. On failure the creature is thrown out, knocked prone in front of This creature and is not devoured anymore.

Devour 4

Trait increase: VIT: 1

◆◆, If This creature is grappling creature using bite attack: Devour. Melee unarmed attack, This creature makes Bite attack with advantage afainst grappled creature. Grappled creature must make Resilience(STR) check equal to the damage taken, max 40, or be devoured. Creature that is devoured is restrained, fully obscured from outside and takes 2d10 acid and 2d10 bludgeoning damage at the beginning of each of its turns. This creature has resistance to all damage done by devoured creatures. Whenever This creature takes damage, if devoured creature is still alive, it must make Toughness(VIT) check with advantage equal to half of the damage taken, max 40. On failure the creature is thrown out, knocked prone in front of This creature and is not devoured anymore. Once per turn, Whenever This creature completely hits with its bite attack it can immediately use Devour as a free action against the same target.