Hit dice: 10
Skills increase: Exertion: 1 Perception: 1 Precision: 1
Gunslinger. Whenever This creature uses gun's reload action, it can reload 2 bullets instead.
Skills increase: Dodge: 1 Focus: 1 Sleight: 1
Gunslinger. Whenever This creature uses gun's reload action, it can reload 2 bullets instead. Every time This creature fully hits an attack with a gun on its turn it gains level of advantage on all gun attacks against the same target until the end of its turn.
Skills increase: Medicine: 1 Perception: 1 Precision: 1
Gunslinger. Whenever This creature uses gun's reload action, it can reload 2 bullets instead. Every time This creature fully hits an attack with a gun on its turn it gains level of advantage on all gun attacks against the same target until the end of its turn. Whenever This creature uses move action it can use attack with a gun costing no more than ◆ as part of that move, or use reload action.
Trait increase: AGI: 1
Gunslinger. Whenever This creature uses gun's reload action, it can reload 2 bullets instead. Every time This creature fully hits an attack with a gun on its turn it gains level of advantage on all gun attacks against the same target until the end of its turn. Whenever This creature uses move action it can use attack with a gun costing no more than ◆ as part of that move, or use reload action. All attacks with gun This creature makes deal one additional die of damage.