Hit dice: 12
Skills increase: Dodge: 1 Focus: 1 Perception: 1
Legendary Reactions. This creature gains additional reaction at the end of each of its turns. Once per long rest, whenever This creature makes a skill check or attack, it can give themselves double advantage.
Skills increase: Exertion: 1 Life Force: 1 Stamina: 1
Legendary Reactions. This creature gains additional reaction at the end of each of its turns. Once per long rest, whenever This creature makes a skill check or attack, it can give themselves double advantage.
Legendary Turn. This creature gains legendary turn with ◆ at the initiative count of 20.
Skills increase: Arcana: 1 Block: 1 Nature: 1
Legendary Actions. This creature gains additional ◆ on each of their turns.
Legendary Reactions. This creature gains additional reaction at the end of each of its turns. Once per long rest, whenever This creature makes a skill check or attack, it can give themselves double advantage.
Legendary Turn. This creature gains legendary turn with ◆ at the initiative count of 20.
Skills increase: Psionics: 1 Sleight: 1 Toughness: 1
Legendary Actions. This creature gains additional ◆ on each of their turns.
Legendary Reactions. This creature gains two additional reactions at the end of each of its turns. Twice per long rest, whenever This creature makes a skill check or attack, it can give themselves double advantage.
Legendary Turn. This creature gains legendary turn with ◆ at the initiative count of 20.
Skills increase: Necromancy: 1 Precision: 1 Stealth: 1
Legendary Actions. This creature gains additional ◆ on each of their turns.
Legendary Reactions. This creature gains two additional reactions at the end of each of its turns. Twice per long rest, whenever This creature makes a skill check or attack, it can give themselves double advantage.
Legendary Turn. This creature gains legendary turn with ◆◆ at the initiative count of 20.
Skills increase: Focus: 1 History: 1 Religion: 1
Legendary Actions. This creature gains additional ◆◆ on each of their turns.
Legendary Reactions. This creature gains two additional reactions at the end of each of its turns. Twice per long rest, whenever This creature makes a skill check or attack, it can give themselves double advantage.
Legendary Turn. This creature gains legendary turn with ◆◆ at the initiative count of 20.
Skills increase: Allure: 1 Diplomacy: 1 Research: 1
Legendary Actions. This creature gains additional ◆◆ on each of their turns.
Legendary Reactions. This creature gains three additional reactions at the end of each of its turns. Three times per long rest, whenever This creature makes a skill check or attack, it can give themselves double advantage.
Legendary Turn. This creature gains legendary turn with ◆◆ at the initiative count of 20.
Skills increase: Bluff: 1 Bravery: 1 Medicine: 1
Legendary Actions. This creature gains additional ◆◆ on each of their turns.
Legendary Reactions. This creature gains three additional reactions at the end of each of its turns. Three times per long rest, whenever This creature makes a skill check or attack, it can give themselves double advantage.
Legendary Turn. This creature gains legendary turn with ◆◆◆ at the initiative count of 20.
Skills increase: Engineering: 1 Insight: 1 Society: 1
Legendary Actions. This creature gains additional ◆◆◆ on each of their turns.
Legendary Reactions. This creature gains three additional reactions at the end of each of its turns. Three times per long rest, whenever This creature makes a skill check or attack, it can give themselves double advantage.
Legendary Turn. This creature gains legendary turn with ◆◆◆ at the initiative count of 20.
Skills increase: Intimidation: 1 Linguistics: 1 Resilience: 1
Legendary Actions. This creature gains additional ◆◆◆ on each of their turns.
Legendary Reactions. This creature gains four additional reactions at the end of each of its turns. Four times per long rest, whenever This creature makes a skill check or attack, it can give themselves double advantage.
Legendary Turn. This creature gains legendary turn with ◆◆◆ at the initiative count of 20.
Trait increase: VIT: 1
Legendary Actions. This creature gains additional ◆◆◆◆ on each of their turns.
Legendary Reactions. This creature gains four additional reactions at the end of each of its turns. Four times per long rest, whenever This creature makes a skill check or attack, it can give themselves double advantage.
Legendary Turn. This creature gains legendary turn with ◆◆◆◆ at the initiative count of 20.