Age of Adventure


Hit dice: 10

Peck 1

Skills increase: Nature: 1 Perception: 1 Precision: 1

◆: Peck. Melee unarmed attack, Sleight(AGI) to hit. 1d4 + AGI slashing damage.

Peck 2

Skills increase: Adventuring: 1 Stamina: 1 Toughness: 1

◆: Peck. Melee unarmed attack, Sleight(AGI) to hit. 1d6 + AGI slashing damage. Whenever This creature fully hits with a peck attack the target must make Toughness(VIT) check equal to the damage taken, max 40, or be blinded until the beginning of This creature's next turn.

Peck 3

Skills increase: Perception: 1 Precision: 1 Stamina: 1

◆: Peck. Melee unarmed attack, Sleight(AGI) to hit. 1d8 + AGI slashing damage. Whenever This creature fully hits with a peck attack the target must make Toughness(VIT) check equal to the damage taken, max 40, or take additional 1d6 ravaging damage and be blinded until the beginning of This creature's next turn.

Peck 4

Trait increase: AGI: 1

◆: Peck. Melee unarmed attack, Sleight(AGI) to hit. 1d8 + AGI slashing damage. Whenever This creature fully hits with a peck attack the target must make Toughness(VIT) check equal to the damage taken, max 40, or take additional 1d6 ravaging damage and be blinded until the beginning of This creature's next turn. Whenever This creature fully hit with its peck attack for the first time in a turn it can immediately make another peck attack as a free action.