Hit dice: 6
Skills increase: Allure: 1 Arcana: 1 Linguistics: 1
Potent Casting. This creature can spend up to 2 DP on each spell it casts.
Skills increase: Adventuring: 1 Crafting: 1 Necromancy: 1
Potent Casting. This creature can spend up to 3 DP on each spell it casts.
Skills increase: Brewing: 1 Nature: 1 Research: 1
Potent Casting. This creature can spend up to 4 DP on each spell it casts.
Skills increase: Bluff: 1 Focus: 1 Resilience: 1
Potent Casting. This creature can spend up to 5 DP on each spell it casts.
Skills increase: Religion: 1 Society: 1 Toughness: 1
Potent Casting. This creature can spend up to 6 DP on each spell it casts.
Skills increase: Diplomacy: 1 Perception: 1 Stamina: 1
Potent Casting. This creature can spend up to 7 DP on each spell it casts.
Skills increase: Insight: 1 Medicine: 1 Precision: 1
Potent Casting. This creature can spend up to 8 DP on each spell it casts.
Skills increase: Husbandry: 1 Perception: 1 Resilience: 1
Potent Casting. This creature can spend up to 9 DP on each spell it casts.
Skills increase: Artistry: 1 Engineering: 1 History: 1
Potent Casting. This creature can spend up to 10 DP on each spell it casts.
Skills increase: Intimidation: 1 Life Force: 1 Religion: 1
Potent Casting. This creature can spend up to 11 DP on each spell it casts.
Trait increase: VIT: 1
Archlich. Whenever This creature's body is killed, but its soul is not trapped or destroyed it rebuilds its body over the course of 2d6 days in location of that it knows of its choice.
Potent Casting. This creature can spend up to 12 DP on each spell it casts.