Hit dice: 8
Skills increase: Diplomacy: 1 Exertion: 1 Sleight: 1
Tactician. This creature gains additional level of advantage whenever it is flanking.
◆: Tactical Strike. Choose a creature in 10 m, that can hear and understand This creature and can attack with flank. Chosen creature can immediately make a melee attack against a creature it is flanking that costs no more than ◆◆. If that creature does, it gains additional level of advantage. This creature can only target same creature once per turn with this ability.
Skills increase: Bluff: 1 Dodge: 1 Stamina: 1
Tactician. This creature gains additional level of advantage whenever it is flanking. Each time This creature uses move action, it can also use one disengage action as a free action.
◆: Tactical Repositioning. Choose a creature in 10 m, that can hear and understand This creature. Chosen creature can immediately use its move as a free action without provoking reactions. This creature can only target same creature once per turn with this ability.
◆: Tactical Strike. Choose a creature in 10 m, that can hear and understand This creature and can attack with flank. Chosen creature can immediately make a melee attack against a creature it is flanking that costs no more than ◆◆. If that creature does, it gains additional level of advantage. This creature can only target same creature once per turn with this ability.
Skills increase: Life Force: 1 Resilience: 1 Toughness: 1
Tactician. This creature gains additional level of advantage whenever it is flanking. Each time This creature uses move action, it can also use one disengage action as a free action. Whenever This creature is forced to make a skill check it adds +1 to the check for each ally it has in 3 m.
◆: Tactical Repositioning. Choose a creature in 10 m, that can hear and understand This creature. Chosen creature can immediately use its move as a free action without provoking reactions. This creature can only target same creature once per turn with this ability.
◆: Tactical Strike. Choose a creature in 10 m, that can hear and understand This creature and can attack with flank. Chosen creature can immediately make a melee attack against a creature it is flanking that costs no more than ◆◆. If that creature does, it gains additional level of advantage. This creature can only target same creature once per turn with this ability.
⮌, Whenever a group of creatures, closest of which is no more than 5 m away from you is forced to make skill check against an area effect.: Joint Defence. All creatures effected make skill checks as normal, but they all use the highest number rolled among them to determine success or failure of the check.
Trait increase: INT: 1
Tactician. This creature gains additional level of advantage whenever it is flanking. Each time This creature uses move action, it can also use one disengage action as a free action. Whenever This creature is forced to make a skill check it adds +1 to the check for each ally it has in 3 m.
◆: Tactical Repositioning. Choose a creature in 10 m, that can hear and understand This creature. Chosen creature can immediately use its move as a free action without provoking reactions. This creature can only target same creature once per turn with this ability.
◆: Tactical Strike. Choose a creature in 10 m, that can hear and understand This creature and can attack with flank. Chosen creature can immediately make a melee attack against a creature it is flanking that costs no more than ◆◆. If that creature does, it gains additional level of advantage and deals additional damage of the type it is already dealing equal to This creature's INT. . This creature can only target same creature once per turn with this ability.
⮌, Whenever a group of creatures, closest of which is no more than 5 m away from you is forced to make skill check against an area effect.: Joint Defence. All creatures effected make skill checks as normal adding This creature's INT to the roll, but they all use the highest number rolled among them to determine success or failure of the check.