Age of Adventure


Hit dice: 8

Zombie 1

Skills increase: Life Force: 1 Necromancy: 1 Toughness: 1

Reckless jump. Once per turn, if This creature has a line of attack to a creature within 3 m, it can make a melee attack against that creature. If it does, it moves into melee range as a free action, ignoring difficult terrain.

Zombie 2

Skills increase: Block: 1 Intimidation: 1 Resilience: 1

Reckless jump. Once per turn, if This creature has a line of attack to a creature within 3 m, it can make a melee attack against that creature. If it does, it moves into melee range as a free action, ignoring difficult terrain.

Zombie Stench. Whenever a creature starts its turn within 2 m of This creature or enters that area for the first time on its turn, it must make Resilience(VIT) equal to 8 + This creature's Life force(VIT) or lose ◆. Creatures that cannot smell are immune to this ability.

Zombie 3

Skills increase: Exertion: 1 Intimidation: 1 Sleight: 1

Reckless jump. Once per turn, if This creature has a line of attack to a creature within 5 m, it can make a melee attack against that creature. If it does, it moves into melee range as a free action, ignoring difficult terrain.

Zombie Stench. Whenever a creature starts its turn within 4 m of This creature or enters that area for the first time on its turn, it must make Resilience(VIT) equal to 8 + This creature's Life force(VIT) or lose ◆. Creatures that cannot smell are immune to this ability.

Zombie 4

Trait increase: VIT: 1

Reckless jump. Once per turn, if This creature has a line of attack to a creature within 5 m, it can make a melee attack against that creature. If it does, it moves into melee range as a free action, ignoring difficult terrain.

Rise Up. Once per long rest, whenever This creature drops to 0 HP and is not outright killed it drops to 1 HP instead.

Zombie Stench. Whenever a creature starts its turn within 4 m of This creature or enters that area for the first time on its turn, it must make Resilience(VIT) equal to 8 + This creature's Life force(VIT) or lose ◆. Creatures that cannot smell are immune to this ability.