Medium Humanoid, Human Rhine, Farmer, Redclay Frontiers, Level 6
Normal: 7
Damage immunity:
Damage resistance:
Damage vulnerability:
Condition immunity:
Adventuring: 2, Block: 1, Bluff: 2, Bravery: 2, Crafting: 2, Diplomacy: 2, Dodge: 3, Exertion: 4, Focus: 1, Husbandry: 2, Insight: 1, Life Force: 2, Nature: 1, Navigation: 2, Perception: 2, Precision: 2, Resilience: 1, Society: 1, Stamina: 4, Stealth: 1, Toughness: 2
Checks Against Stress: +2, Initiative: +2, Nurturers Tools: +2, Ranged Attacks: +2, Rifles: +2
Marksman. This creature's ranged attacks ignore partial cover. Once per turn it can reroll to hit roll and use the second result. Whenever This creature completely hits with a ranged attack it deals one additional die of damage.
Rhine Diplomacy. This creature adds 1d4 to all Society and Diplomacy checks.
Runner. Whenever This creature uses its move action it selects one creature it can see within 10 m. That movement does not provoke reactions from that creature.
Warchief. Whenever This creature uses its move action, it selects one creature within 5 m that can hear it. That creature can immediately move up to its movement speed.
◆: Aim. This creature gains advantage on its next ranged attack during this turn and the attack deals one additional die of damage.
◆: Sprint Burst. This creature's walking movement speed is doubled until the end turn.
Level 0 Weapon, Rifle
Shotgun Shell: 2
Scattergun Spread. All creatures within 3 m take double damage from ranged attacks with this weapon.
◆: Buttstroke. Two-handed melee weapon attack. Exertion(STR) with disadvantage to hit. 1d6 + STR bludgeoning damage.
◆, Shotgun shell: Reload Shotgun Shell. This weapon gains 1 shotgun shell.
◆◆, Shotgun shell: Scatter Shot. Two-handed ranged weapon attack. Precision(AGI) to hit all creatures in a 8 m cone, use same roll for all of them. 4d6 + AGI piercing damage.
◆◆◆, 2 Shotgun shells: Double Tap. Ranged weapon attack. Precision(AGI) to hit all creatures in a 8 m cone, use same roll for all of them. 8d6 piercing damage.
Level 0 Weapon, Dagger
Coating: 1
Bloodied Edge. If you are bloodied, your Bowie Knife attacks deal 1 additional die of damage.
◆: Cut. Melee weapon attack. Sleight(AGI) to hit. 1d4 + AGI slashing damage.
◆: Pommel Strike. Melee weapon attack. Sleight(AGI) to hit. AGI bludgeoning damage. On full hit This creature's next attack during this turn gains one level of advantage.
◆: Stab. Melee weapon attack. Sleight(AGI) to hit. 1d4 + AGI piercing damage.
◆◆◆: Gut Hook. Melee weapon attack. Sleight(AGI) to hit. 2d6 + AGI piercing damage. If the target is bloodied this attack deals additional ⨂d4 slashing damage where ⨂ is your AGI.