Age of Adventure

Corrosive Stalker

Medium Beast/Elemental, Softclaw Panthera, Swamp Predator, Swamp Beast, Level 12







Climb: 5
Normal: 7
Swim: 4

Damage immunity:

Damage resistance:

Damage vulnerability:

Condition immunity:














Acrobatics: 5, Adventuring: 1, Allure: 1, Artistry: 1, Block: 1, Bravery: 1, Dodge: 3, Exertion: 6, Focus: 1, Intimidation: 3, Life Force: 2, Medicine: 1, Nature: 1, Perception: 4, Precision: 1, Resilience: 4, Sleight: 7, Stamina: 1, Stealth: 8, Toughness: 3


Hold Breath: +1, Unarmed Attacks: +5




Silent Prowler. This creature can move at full speed while stealthing. Whenever This creature attacks surprised creature it deals additional die of damage of the type it is already dealing

Soft Paws. This creature has advantage on stealth checks while moving.


◆: Claws. Melee unarmed attack, Sleight(AGI) to hit. 4d4 + AGI slashing damage. If This creature hits a single creature with 2 or more claws attacks in a single turn it deals additional ⨂d6 ravaging damage to that creature at the end of its turn, where ⨂ is the number of hits on that creature using claws attack. Once per turn, whenever This creature fully hits with claws attack it can immediately use claws attack again as a free action. Whenever This creature uses its claws attack as a reaction it can make 2 claws attacks instead. If this is attack is not full hit and the target is wearing armour or using a shield, the target must make Block(AGI) check equal to the damage taken or its shield or armour of This creature's choice gains 1 level of corroded. On full hit creatures in melee range of the target other than This creature also take half of the acid damage.

◆: Pounce. This creature jumps onto a creature no more than its STR or AGI m away from it, moving next to it. If a creature is no more than 1 size category bigger than This creature, it must make Toughness(STR) equal to your 10 + This creature's Acrobatics(STR) or Acrobatics(AGI) or be knocked prone. Next melee attack This creature makes against the target of pounce on the same turn deals additional die of damage. If a creature is knocked prone by pounce attack This creature ends in its space. While This creature is in its space the creature must use additional ◆ to try and stand up. If it tries it must make Exertion(STR) contest against This creature's Exertion(STR). On success the creature stands up and This creature is moved out of its space in a direction of its choosing, on failure the creature remains knocked prone.

◆◆: Bite. Melee unarmed attack, Exertion(STR) to hit. 2d8 + STR slashing damage. This attack deals additional die of damage if target is smaller than This creature.