Medium Humanoid, Human Lantanna Human, Banalian Knight, New Banalia, Level 7
Normal: 6
Damage immunity:
Damage resistance:
Damage vulnerability:
Condition immunity:
Acrobatics: 1, Adventuring: 1, Block: 1, Bravery: 2, Brewing: 4, Crafting: 1, Diplomacy: 3, Dodge: 1, Exertion: 4, Focus: 1, History: 3, Life Force: 4, Medicine: 3, Nature: 1, Perception: 2, Religion: 6, Resilience: 1, Sleight: 1, Stamina: 1, Stealth: 1, Toughness: 1
Axes: +1, Brewers Tools: +1, Daggers: +1, Smiths Tools: +2, Swords: +3
Common, Dwarvish
Blademaster. Whenever This creature hits the same creature with an Axe, Dagger or Sword twice in same turn it can immediately make an attack using same weapon costing no more than ◆ against a different target. Whenever This creature attacks with Axes, Daggers or a Swords, if it is not its turn, it deals one additional die of damage.
Paladin. This creature gains permanent 2 m aura that manifests as divine glow to those it affects but is invisible otherwise and does not light up the space. Creatures of choice that are within this aura can add +2 to all Bravery and Focus checks. The effects of paladin auras from different sources do not stack. You are immune to effects of Paladin auras other than your own.
Primal Regeneration. Whenever This creature finishes long rest it regains all hit dice instead of just half. This creature has advantage on all hit die rolls. Whenever This creature finishes short rest it regains the number of hit dice up to its Life force modifier.
Shaman. This creature gains 4 DP. It regains half of DP at the end of long rest. When taking this feature, select circle of nautre. This creature can use at most 1 DP at once to power nature spells of the chosen circle. This creature's spellcasting attack modifier equals its Religion(VIT) check and its spellcasting difficulty class equals 8 + its Religion(VIT). When This creature takes this feature, it selects a number of nature spells of the chosen circle equal to its Religion. It has working knowledge of complicated formulas required to cast those spells. If This creature spends 1 hour in prayer and meditation as part of its short rest it can add or exchange one of its spells with another from the chosen domains. The number of prepared spells can never exceed its Religion modifier
Stubborn. This creature has advantage on all Focus checks.
⨂ DP, ◆: Divine Smite. This creature's next weapon attack within 1 minute deals additional ⨂d8 divine damage where ⨂ is a number of DP equal or less than number of DP you can use to cast spells.
◆◆: Active Regeneration. This creature immediately use up to three of its hit dice, adding its Life force(VIT) to the roll and healing itself for that amount.