Age of Adventure

Daphne Oakenshield

Medium Humanoid, Green Elf Touched By Lamnia, Lamnia Druid, Jamuraa Forest Enclaves, Level 7







Normal: 7

Damage immunity:

Damage resistance:

Damage vulnerability:

Condition immunity:














Adventuring: 3, Arcana: 1, Artistry: 1, Focus: 3, History: 1, Husbandry: 4, Life Force: 5, Medicine: 4, Nature: 9, Navigation: 1, Perception: 2, Research: 1, Stamina: 2, Stealth: 3


Herbalists Tools: +2, Nurturers Tools: +2


Arboreal, Common, Elvish, Sylvian


Beastshape Cascade. Whenever This creature is transformed into its beast shape it can use ◆◆ to transform into a beast of lower level without using new beast shape points. It can then spend 1 hour in its new form.

Extended Beastshape. Whenever This creature is in its beast shape it can spend 1 of its shapechange points to extend the duration for 1 hour.

Healing Beastshape. Whenever This creature spends any number of beast shape points it also immediately regain ⨂d6 hit points where ⨂ is the number of beast shape points used. This applies before any other effect is applied or damage is transfered. Whenever This creature transforms into its beast shape it can select equipment that does not get absorbed and instead adapts for use with its new form. This creature gets full bonus to Block Class, can use weapon attacks as usual and can use its spellcasting and psionic abilities as normal while in its beast shape.

Life of Trees. Whenever This creature drinks double the amount of water required and receives at least one hour of direct sunlight, it does not need to eat. This creature has resistance to poison damage and advantage on all skill checks against poison.

Natural Environment. This creature is in its natural environment, if there is non magical presence of some of the chosen element in 5 m of it. As part of short rest, if This creature is in its natural environment it can spend one hour in meditation, communing with the spirit of nature. If it does, it selects a spell of the chosen circle. It gains ability to cast that spell, if it can provide DP to cast it. If number of spells This creature can cast of this circle exceeds its Nature modifier it loses ability to cast a spell of its choice of this circle. Whenever This creature is casting spell of its chosen circle, if it is in its natural environment it can add +1 to its spell attacks and spell difficulty class.

Shaman. This creature gains 4 DP. It regains half of DP at the end of long rest. When taking this feature, select circle of nautre. This creature can use at most 1 DP at once to power nature spells of the chosen circle. This creature's spellcasting attack modifier equals its Nature(WIS) check and its spellcasting difficulty class equals 8 + its Nature(WIS). When This creature takes this feature, it selects a number of nature spells of the chosen circle equal to its Nature. It has working knowledge of complicated formulas required to cast those spells.

Shapechange. This creature gains ⨂ shapechange points, where ⨂ is equal to its Nature score. It regains those points at the end of long a rest.


◆◆: Beastshape. This creature can use any number of shapechange points to transform into a beast of level equal to the number of shapechange points used. Transforming into level 0 creature is free. The transformation lasts for an hour or until dismisses it as ◆. All the equipment This creature is carrying is absorbed into your new form. This creature still gains passive effects from it, but cannot use its actions and reactions and gains no bonuses to Block class. This creature gain full use of beast's abilities, its physical stats and HP, but it maintains its CHA, INT and WIS as well as knowledge, memories and alliances. This creature can use this ability in your creature form. Whenever it reverts to its original form or change into another beast its original form takes half of the life missing to your previous form, rounded up, as true damage. This creature also reverts immediately if its beast form's HP falls to 0.

◆◆◆◆: Green Elf Soul. This creature connects to a plant it is touching. It immediately feels its emotions and the plant feels This creature's. This creature is connected to that plant as long as it is touching it. While This creature is connected to a plant in this way it gets +⨂ to Artistry, Nature, Perception, Precision and Stealth, where ⨂ is the age of the plant divided by 100 years, minimum of 1 and maximum of 5.

◆◆◆◆: Prayer to Anima. As long as This creature is not in an artificial plane it can connect to the spirits of nature around it. This creature selects a point in 5 m of it and summons level 2 elemental of a type most present at the point of summoning for 1 hour, until it is destroyed or until it moves more than 200 m from the point of its summoning. The elemental obeys This creature's every command and has knowledge of natural things in 5 km radius. Summoned elemental has advantage on all help actions, whenever it is helping This creature.