Medium Humanoid, Human Rhine, Brimstone Preacher, Redclay Frontiers, Level 6
Normal: 6
Damage immunity:
Damage resistance:
Damage vulnerability:
Condition immunity:
Bluff: 2, Bravery: 2, Diplomacy: 5, Dodge: 2, Exertion: 3, Focus: 1, Insight: 1, Intimidation: 5, Life Force: 2, Navigation: 1, Perception: 1, Precision: 4, Society: 2, Stamina: 4, Stealth: 1, Toughness: 4
Guns: +2, Initiative: +2, Ranged Attacks: +1, Rifles: +4
Marksman. Whenever This creature completely hits with a ranged attack it deals one additional die of damage.
Rhine Diplomacy. This creature adds 1d4 to all Society and Diplomacy checks.
Tough. Once per long rest, when This creature drops to 0 HP, but isn't outright killed, it can immediately use one of its hit dice, adding its Toughness(VIT) to the roll and healing itself for that amount. It still gets 1 level of system stress.
◆: Aim. This creature gains advantage on its next ranged attack during this turn and the attack deals one additional die of damage.
◆: Scare. Creatures within 5 m must make Bravery(CHA) check equal to 8 + This creature's Intimidation(CHA) or be feared by it for one hour. If a creature succeeds on a check, they get immunity to this ability until the beginning of next turn. Feared creatures can use ◆ to try to repeat the saving throw ending fear condition on success.
Level 0 Weapon, Gun
Bullet: 6
Six-Shot Reflex. If This creature has at least one loaded bullet at the end of its turn it can immediately make another shoot attack with your revolver.
◆: Buttstroke. Melee weapon attack. Exertion(STR) to hit. STR bludgeoning damage.
◆, Bullet: Reload Bullet. This weapon gains 1 bullet.
◆, Bullet: Shoot. Ranged weapon attack. Range: 20 m. Precision(AGI) to hit. 1d6 + AGI piercing damage.
◆◆, 3 Bullets: Rapid Shots. Make 3 shoot attacks against the same target.
⮌, Bullet, Whenever This creature is declared target of ranged attack by a creature within range: Quick Draw. Range: 10 m. This creature makes one shoot attack against the attacker. On full hit the attack is made with disadvantage.
Level 0 Weapon, Rifle
Shotgun Shell: 2
Scattergun Spread. All creatures within 3 m take double damage from ranged attacks with this weapon.
◆: Buttstroke. Two-handed melee weapon attack. Exertion(STR) with disadvantage to hit. 1d6 + STR bludgeoning damage.
◆, Shotgun shell: Reload Shotgun Shell. This weapon gains 1 shotgun shell.
◆◆, Shotgun shell: Scatter Shot. Two-handed ranged weapon attack. Precision(AGI) to hit all creatures in a 8 m cone, use same roll for all of them. 4d6 + AGI piercing damage.
◆◆◆, 2 Shotgun shells: Double Tap. Ranged weapon attack. Precision(AGI) to hit all creatures in a 8 m cone, use same roll for all of them. 8d6 piercing damage.