Medium Humanoid/Undead, Human Rhine, Outlaw, Redclay Frontiers, Level 14
Normal: 7
Damage immunity:
Damage resistance:
Damage vulnerability:
Condition immunity:
Acrobatics: 1, Adventuring: 2, Block: 3, Bluff: 2, Bravery: 3, Diplomacy: 1, Dodge: 3, Engineering: 1, Exertion: 8, Focus: 2, Intimidation: 2, Life Force: 4, Precision: 2, Resilience: 4, Sleight: 1, Society: 1, Stamina: 9, Stealth: 2, Toughness: 7
Guns: +4, Hammers: +3, Initiative: +2, Maces: +2, Rifles: +2, Staffs: +2
Bludgeoneer. When This creature attacks with a Mace, Hammer or Staff, 19 counts as a critical hit for it. Hammer, Mace or Staff attacks This creature makes deal one additional die of damage if This creature is bigger than its target. Whenever This creature attacks with Hammer, Mace or Staff it deals one additional die of damage.
Brute. Whenever This creature is forced to make INT, WIS or CHA check it can use its STR instead. Whenever This creature makes an attack using its STR it deals additional STR bludgeoning damage.
Charge. Whenever This creature moves in a straight line before attacking, the next melee attack it makes during this turn deals additional ⨂d6 bludgeoning damage where ⨂ is number of meters moved, to the maximum of 2. Once per turn, when This creature deals damage with its charger ability, the targeted creatures no more than one size bigger than it must make Toughness(STR) check equal to the damage taken, max 40, or be knocked prone.
Knockdown. Once per turn, when This creature fully hits a creature with a Hammer, Mace or Staff that creature must make Toughness(STR) check equal to damage taken, max 40, or be prone. Creatures bigger than This creature gain 1 level of advantage on this check for each size category they are bigger than it.
Mauler. If This creature's Hammer attack would knock a creature prone and it is already prone or cannot be knocked prone that attack deals 2 additional dice of damage. Stand Up actions provoke attack of opportunity with Hammers. Attacks of opportunity with Hammers cost one ⮌ less to use, to the minimum of ⮌.
Rhine Diplomacy. This creature adds 1d4 to all Society and Diplomacy checks.
Tough. Once per rest, when This creature drops to 0 HP, but isn't outright killed, it can immediately use one of its hit dice, adding its Toughness(VIT) to the roll and healing itself for that amount. It still gets 1 level of system stress. Whenever an attack forces This creature to make check equal to the damage taken it can add its Toughness to the roll.
◆: Tough it out. If This creature is affected by a condition that has a check it can immediately repeat that check. It can add one of its hit dice to the roll.
Level 0 Weapon, Hammer
Coating: 2
Powerful Strikes. Whenever This creature completely hits with this weapon, the target must make an Toughness(VIT) check against the damage dealt, max 40. On failure the target cannot use reactions until the beginning of its next turn.
◆, 1 coating: Coat. This weapon gains 1 coating
◆: Pommel Strike. Two-handed melee weapon attack. Exertion(STR) with disadvantage to hit. STR bludgeoning damage. On full hit This creature's next attack during this turn gains one level of advantage.
◆◆: Bash. Two-handed melee weapon attack. Reach: 2 m. Exertion(STR) to hit. 1d12 + STR bludgeoning damage.
◆◆, if the target is prone: Skull Breaker. Two-handed melee weapon attack. Reach: 2 m. Exertion(STR) to hit, 3d12 + STR bludgeoning damage.
◆◆◆: Knock Back. Two-handed melee weapon attack. Reach: 2 m. All targets in half circle. Exertion(STR) to hit. 2d6 + STR bludgeoning damage. Targets must make Toughness(STR) check equal to the damage taken, max 40, or be knocked back by 1 m. On complete failure they are also knocked prone. Targets get advantage for each size category they are bigger than This creature.
◆◆◆◆: Power Bash. Two-handed melee weapon attack. Reach: 2 m. Exertion(STR) to hit, ⨂d6 bludgeoning damage where ⨂ is This creature's STR. The target must make a Toughness(STR) check equal to the damage taken, max 40, or be knocked 2 m away from This creature. On complete failure it is also knocked prone. Target gains one level of advantage for each size category it is bigger than This creature. This creature can move into its melee range of the target as a free action immediately after this attack.