Medium Humanoid, Human Rhine, Saloon Singer, Redclay Frontiers, Level 6
Normal: 6
Damage immunity:
Damage resistance:
Damage vulnerability:
Condition immunity:
Allure: 3, Artistry: 4, Bluff: 2, Bravery: 2, Diplomacy: 6, Dodge: 4, Exertion: 2, Focus: 2, Intimidation: 1, Navigation: 1, Perception: 1, Precision: 3, Sleight: 1, Society: 2, Stamina: 3, Stealth: 1, Toughness: 2
Guns: +4, Initiative: +2, Performance: +3, Ranged Attacks: +1
Bardic Dice. This creature has ⨂1d6 bard dice where ⨂ is equal to its Artistry. This creature regains its used bard dice at the end of its long rest.
Devilsight. This creature gains darksight to 5 m and adds 1d4 to all attacks.
Marksman. Whenever This creature completely hits with a ranged attack it deals one additional die of damage.
Rhine Diplomacy. This creature adds 1d4 to all Society and Diplomacy checks.
◆: Aim. This creature gains advantage on its next ranged attack during this turn and the attack deals one additional die of damage.
◆: Bardic inspiration. This creature gives one of its bardic dice to a creature other than itself, that can hear it, within 10 m, or within 10 m of a source of its voice. Once within the next 10 minutes the creature can add bard dice to a skill check or attack it makes. Only one bardic die can be added to a single skill check or attack, even if the creature has multiple available. Once the bardic die is rolled, or 10 minutes pass, it is lost.
Level 0 Weapon, Gun
Bullet: 6
Six-Shot Reflex. If This creature has at least one loaded bullet at the end of its turn it can immediately make another shoot attack with your revolver.
◆: Buttstroke. Melee weapon attack. Exertion(STR) to hit. STR bludgeoning damage.
◆, Bullet: Reload Bullet. This weapon gains 1 bullet.
◆, Bullet: Shoot. Ranged weapon attack. Range: 20 m. Precision(AGI) to hit. 1d6 + AGI piercing damage.
◆◆, 3 Bullets: Rapid Shots. Make 3 shoot attacks against the same target.
⮌, Bullet, Whenever This creature is declared target of ranged attack by a creature within range: Quick Draw. Range: 10 m. This creature makes one shoot attack against the attacker. On full hit the attack is made with disadvantage.