Small Humanoid, Sardar Sardar Clanrat, Underempire Assassin, Sardar Underempire, Level 7
Normal: 6
Damage immunity:
Damage resistance:
Damage vulnerability:
Condition immunity:
Acrobatics: 2, Adventuring: 2, Bluff: 2, Brewing: 1, Crafting: 3, Dodge: 2, Engineering: 4, Exertion: 1, Focus: 2, Intimidation: 3, Medicine: 1, Perception: 1, Precision: 2, Research: 1, Sleight: 7, Stamina: 1, Stealth: 10
Axes: +1, Biomancers Tools: +1, Daggers: +3, Inventors Tools: +1, Movement: -1, Operatives Tools: +2, Smiths Tools: +1, Swords: +1
Assassinate. Whenever This creature hits on an unarmed attack, attack with a one handed weapon or attack with a ranged weapon, if it has advantage on the attack, the attack deals additional 5d6 damage. This creature has advantage against creatures that haven't taken the turn in this combat yet. In addition, any full hit against the creature that is surprised counts as critical hit. Whenever This creature uses its assassinate feature on a surprised creature, it doubles the amount of assassinate feature damage dice rolled.
Blademaster. Whenever This creature hits the same creature with an Axe, Dagger or Sword twice in same turn it can immediately make an attack using same weapon costing no more than ◆ against a different target.
Master survivalist. This creature makes Adventuring checks with advantage.
Rat's Craft. Whenever This creature makes a check to craft it adds 1d4 to the roll.
Shadow Dice. This creature gains number of shadow dice equal to its Sleight. If it does not already have shadow dice, those dice become d4. It regains any spent Shadow dice at the end of its long rest.
◆: Steady Hand. This creature steadies its hand, granting itself an advantage on its next attack roll or Sleight check.
◆◆, 1 Shadow die: Shadow Run. This creature gets enveloped in shadows, immediately moving up to its full movement speed + the number rolled without provoking attacks of opportunity. While in its shadow run it can pass through the creatures but cannot end it movement in an occupied space. Whenever This creature passes through another creature it can make a melee attack that costs ◆ against that creature as part of its shadow run. If This creature attacks the same creature more than once during shadow walk it gains one level of dissadvantage for every time it has already attacked it.