Hit dice: 12
Skills increase: Acrobatics: 1 Dodge: 1 Perception: 1
Hard to hit. Whenever This creature moves using its flying speed it gains +3 to its dodge (cumulative) until the beginning of its next turn.
Skills increase: Bravery: 1 Navigation: 1 Stealth: 1
Hard to hit. Whenever This creature moves using its flying speed it gains +3 to its dodge (cumulative) until the beginning of its next turn.
⮌, Whenever This creature is declared target of attack, if it is flying: Aerial Ace. This creature immediately moves half of its flying movement speed, granting disadvantage on the declared attack. This counts as movement for the purpose of its Hard to hit feature.
Skills increase: Acrobatics: 1 Dodge: 1 Precision: 1
Hard to hit. Whenever This creature moves using its flying speed it gains +3 to its dodge (cumulative) until the beginning of its next turn. While This creature is flying all attacks of opportunity against it are made with disadvantage.
⮌, Whenever This creature is declared target of attack, if it is flying: Aerial Ace. This creature immediately moves half of its flying movement speed, granting disadvantage on the declared attack. This counts as movement for the purpose of its Hard to hit feature.
Trait increase: WIS: 1
Hard to hit. Whenever This creature moves using its flying speed it gains +3 to its dodge (cumulative) until the beginning of its next turn. While This creature is flying all attacks of opportunity against it are made with disadvantage. At the beginning of each of its turns This creature can make one flying move action as a free action.
⮌, Whenever This creature is declared target of attack, if it is flying: Aerial Ace. This creature immediately moves half of its flying movement speed, granting disadvantage on the declared attack. This counts as movement for the purpose of its Hard to hit feature.