Age of Adventure


Hit dice: 8

Alert 1

Skills increase: Insight: 1 Perception: 1 Research: 1

Alert. This creature cannot be surprised and has advantage on initiative rolls.

Alert 2

Skills increase: Adventuring: 1 Navigation: 1 Stamina: 1

Alert. This creature cannot be surprised and has advantage on initiative rolls. This creature can add 1d12 to all checks to notice traps, hidden creatures and objects.

Alert 3

Skills increase: Dodge: 1 Perception: 1 Research: 1

Alert. This creature cannot be surprised and has advantage on initiative rolls. This creature can add 1d12 to all checks to notice traps, hidden creatures and objects. If at least one of This creature's allies is surprised at the beginning of encounter, it gains additional ◆◆ on its first turn. Creatures of its choice that go after it in initiative order lose surprised condition.

Alert 4

Trait increase: WIS: 1

Alert. This creature cannot be surprised and has advantage on initiative rolls. This creature can add 1d12 to all checks to notice traps, hidden creatures and objects. If at least one of This creature's allies is surprised at the beginning of encounter, it gains additional ◆◆ on its first turn. Creatures of its choice that go after it in initiative order lose surprised condition. This creature has advantage on all Perception checks