Hit dice: 8
Skills increase: Exertion: 1 Focus: 1 Stamina: 1
Brute. Whenever This creature is forced to make INT, WIS or CHA check it can use its STR instead.
Skills increase: Intimidation: 1 Resilience: 1 Sleight: 1
Brute. Whenever This creature is forced to make INT, WIS or CHA check it can use its STR instead. Whenever This creature makes an attack using its STR it deals additional STR bludgeoning damage.
Skills increase: Exertion: 1 Life Force: 1 Toughness: 1
Brute. Whenever This creature is forced to make INT, WIS or CHA check it can use its STR instead. Whenever This creature makes an attack using its STR it deals additional STR bludgeoning damage. If This creature it not gargantuan it counts as one size category bigger for all effects that use its size. This creature ignores difficult terrain when using its walking speed.
Trait increase: STR: 1
Brute. Whenever This creature is forced to make INT, WIS or CHA check it can use its STR instead. Whenever This creature makes an attack using its STR it deals additional STR bludgeoning damage. If This creature it not gargantuan it counts as one size category bigger for all effects that use its size. This creature ignores difficult terrain when using its walking speed.
⮌, Whenever This creature takes damage: Brute Force Defence. Damage is reduced by double of This creature's STR.