Age of Adventure


Hit dice: 8

Healer 1

Skills increase: Brewing: 1 Medicine: 1 Religion: 1

Healer. This creature can spend any amount of time caring for up to four creatures it can touch. All checks against illnesses, curses and poisons those creatures make during the time they are in care are made with advantage and whenever one of those creatures roll to regain life they do so with advantage.

Improved Patch Up. This creature has advantage on Patch Up check.

Healer 2

Skills increase: Adventuring: 1 Life Force: 1 Nature: 1

Healer. This creature can spend any amount of time caring for up to four creatures it can touch. All checks against illnesses, curses and poisons those creatures make during the time they are in care are made with advantage and whenever one of those creatures roll to regain life they do so with advantage. Whenever creatures taking short or long rest together with This creature use their hit die, they add This creature's Medicine to each roll.

Improved Patch Up. This creature has advantage on Patch Up check. Whenever This creature succeeds on patch up check, the creature can add This creature's Medicine to the life gained.

Healer 3

Skills increase: Brewing: 1 Medicine: 1 Toughness: 1

Healer. This creature can spend any amount of time caring for up to four creatures it can touch. All checks against illnesses, curses and poisons those creatures make during the time they are in care are made with advantage and whenever one of those creatures roll to regain life they do so with advantage. Whenever creatures taking short or long rest together with This creature use their hit die, they add This creature's Medicine to each roll. Whenever This creature administers healing consumables the creature heals the maximum amount.

Improved Patch Up. This creature has advantage on Patch Up check. Whenever This creature succeeds on patch up check, the creature can use up to 2 hit dice adding This creature's Medicine bonus to each roll

Healer 4

Trait increase: WIS: 1

Healer. This creature can spend any amount of time caring for up to four creatures it can touch. All checks against illnesses, curses and poisons those creatures make during the time they are in care are made with advantage and whenever one of those creatures roll to regain life they do so with advantage. Whenever creatures taking short or long rest together with This creature use their hit die, they add This creature's Medicine to each roll. Whenever This creature administers healing consumables the creature heals the maximum amount.

Improved Patch Up. This creature automatically succeeds on Patch Up check. Whenever This creature succeeds on patch up check, the creature can use up to 2 hit dice adding This creature's Medicine bonus to each roll