Age of Adventure


Hit dice: 6

Mentalist 1

Skills increase: Allure: 1 Insight: 1 Society: 1

Intelligent Manipulator. Whenever This creature uses its Psionic abilities to force a creature to make a skill check, if the creature's INT is lower than This creature's they make the skill check with disadvantage.

Mentalist. This creature gains 2 PP that it can use to power Psionic Abilities from Telepaty discipline. It regains half of PP at the end of every rest. If This creature uses more than 1 PP on a single ability, roll on Psionic Punishment table. Whenever This creature finishes a rest, it can select a number of Telepaty Psionic Abilities that it can use, equal to its Psionics bonus. Those are the abilities it can power until the end of its next long rest. This creature's psionic attack modifier equals its Insight(CHA) check and its psionic difficulty class equals 8 + its Insight(CHA) modifier.

Mentalist 2

Skills increase: Bluff: 1 Diplomacy: 1 Focus: 1

Intelligent Manipulator. Whenever This creature uses its Psionic abilities to force a creature to make a skill check, if the creature's INT is lower than This creature's they make the skill check with disadvantage. This creature has advantage on all Diplomacy checks against creatures with lower INT than it.

Mentalist. This creature gains 4 PP that it can use to power Psionic Abilities from Telepaty discipline. It regains half of PP at the end of every rest. If This creature uses more than 1 PP on a single ability, roll on Psionic Punishment table. Whenever This creature finishes a rest, it can select a number of Telepaty Psionic Abilities that it can use, equal to its Psionics bonus. Those are the abilities it can power until the end of its next long rest. This creature's psionic attack modifier equals its Insight(CHA) check and its psionic difficulty class equals 8 + its Insight(CHA) modifier.

Mentalist 3

Skills increase: Artistry: 1 Insight: 1 Sleight: 1

Intelligent Manipulator. Whenever This creature uses its Psionic abilities to force a creature to make a skill check, if the creature's INT is lower than This creature's they make the skill check with disadvantage. This creature has advantage on all Diplomacy checks against creatures with lower INT than it.

Mentalist. This creature gains 6 PP that it can use to power Psionic Abilities from Telepaty discipline. It regains half of PP at the end of every rest. If This creature uses more than 1 PP on a single ability, roll on Psionic Punishment table. Whenever This creature finishes a rest, it can select a number of Telepaty Psionic Abilities that it can use, equal to its Psionics bonus. Those are the abilities it can power until the end of its next long rest. This creature's psionic attack modifier equals its Insight(CHA) check and its psionic difficulty class equals 8 + its Insight(CHA) modifier.

1 PP, ⮌, Whenever This creature is declared target of attack: Mental Confusion. Attack is made with disadvantage. If the attacker has lower INT than This creature it is made with double disadvantage instead.

Mentalist 4

Trait increase: CHA: 1

Intelligent Manipulator. Whenever This creature uses its Psionic abilities to force a creature to make a skill check, if the creature's INT is lower than This creature's they make the skill check with disadvantage. This creature has advantage on all Diplomacy checks against creatures with lower INT than it. Whenever This creature uses a single target psionic ability on a target that ability also applies to another target creature with the lowest INT score in 2 m the original target. If multiple creatures are tied for the lowest INT it applies to all of them.

Mentalist. This creature gains 8 PP that it can use to power Psionic Abilities from Telepaty discipline. It regains half of PP at the end of every rest. If This creature uses more than 1 PP on a single ability, roll on Psionic Punishment table. Whenever This creature finishes a rest, it can select a number of Telepaty Psionic Abilities that it can use, equal to its Psionics bonus. Those are the abilities it can power until the end of its next long rest. This creature's psionic attack modifier equals its Insight(CHA) check and its psionic difficulty class equals 8 + its Insight(CHA) modifier.

1 PP, ⮌, Whenever This creature is declared target of attack: Mental Confusion. Attack is made with disadvantage. If the attacker has lower INT than This creature it is made with double disadvantage instead.