Hit dice: 10
Skills increase: Acrobatics: 1 Exertion: 1 Stealth: 1
◆: Pounce. This creature jumps onto a creature no more than its STR or AGI m away from it, moving next to it. If a creature is no more than 1 size category bigger than This creature, it must make Toughness(STR) equal to your 10 + This creature's Acrobatics(STR) or Acrobatics(AGI) or be knocked prone.
Skills increase: Artistry: 1 Focus: 1 Sleight: 1
◆: Pounce. This creature jumps onto a creature no more than its STR or AGI m away from it, moving next to it. If a creature is no more than 1 size category bigger than This creature, it must make Toughness(STR) equal to your 10 + This creature's Acrobatics(STR) or Acrobatics(AGI) or be knocked prone. Next melee attack This creature makes against the target of pounce on the same turn deals additional die of damage.
Skills increase: Acrobatics: 1 Dodge: 1 Precision: 1
◆: Pounce. This creature jumps onto a creature no more than its STR or AGI m away from it, moving next to it. If a creature is no more than 1 size category bigger than This creature, it must make Toughness(STR) equal to your 10 + This creature's Acrobatics(STR) or Acrobatics(AGI) or be knocked prone. Next melee attack This creature makes against the target of pounce on the same turn deals additional die of damage. If a creature is knocked prone by pounce attack This creature ends in its space. While This creature is in its space the creature must use additional ◆ to try and stand up. If it tries it must make Exertion(STR) contest against This creature's Exertion(STR). On success the creature stands up and This creature is moved out of its space in a direction of its choosing, on failure the creature remains knocked prone.
Trait increase: STR: 1
◆: Pounce. This creature jumps onto a creature no more than its STR or AGI m away from it, moving next to it. If a creature is no more than 1 size category bigger than This creature, it must make Toughness(STR) equal to your 10 + This creature's Acrobatics(STR) or Acrobatics(AGI) or be knocked prone. Next melee attack This creature makes against the target of pounce on the same turn deals additional two dies of damage and is done with advantage. If a creature is knocked prone by pounce attack This creature ends in its space. While This creature is in its space the creature must use additional ◆ to try and stand up. If it tries it must make Exertion(STR) contest against This creature's Exertion(STR). On success the creature stands up and This creature is moved out of its space in a direction of its choosing, on failure the creature remains knocked prone.