Hit dice: 6
Skills increase: Arcana: 1 Focus: 1 Research: 1
Damage Shift. Whenever This creature casts a spell that deals damage it can spend 1 additional DP to change one of its damage types to a different non-true damage type for the duration of the spell. This DP does not count against max DP per spell it can use.
Skills increase: History: 1 Necromancy: 1 Religion: 1
Damage Shift. Whenever This creature casts a spell that deals damage it can spend 1 additional DP to change one of its damage types to a different non-true damage type for the duration of the spell. This DP does not count against max DP per spell it can use.
Empowered spell. Whenever This creature cast a spell it can spend 2 DP to roll all strengt of effect dice with advantage for duration of the spell. This DP does not count against max DP per spell it can use.
Skills increase: Arcana: 1 Focus: 1 Life Force: 1
Careful Spell. Whenever This creature casts a spell it can spend 3 DP to render any amount of creatures of its choice that it can see immune to all effects of that spell for as long as it keeps concentration on that spell. This DP does not count against max DP per spell it can use.
Damage Shift. Whenever This creature casts a spell that deals damage it can spend 1 additional DP to change one of its damage types to a different non-true damage type for the duration of the spell. This DP does not count against max DP per spell it can use.
Empowered spell. Whenever This creature cast a spell it can spend 2 DP to roll all strengt of effect dice with advantage for duration of the spell. This DP does not count against max DP per spell it can use.
Trait increase: INT: 1
Careful Spell. Whenever This creature casts a spell it can spend 3 DP to render any amount of creatures of its choice that it can see immune to all effects of that spell for as long as it keeps concentration on that spell. This DP does not count against max DP per spell it can use.
Controlled Spell. Whenever This creature casts a spell it can spend 4 DP. If it does the focus action if free for this spell and This creature gains double advantage on all checks to maintain focus on that spell. This DP does not count against max DP per spell it can use.
Damage Shift. Whenever This creature casts a spell that deals damage it can spend 1 additional DP to change one of its damage types to a different non-true damage type for the duration of the spell. This DP does not count against max DP per spell it can use.
Empowered spell. Whenever This creature cast a spell it can spend 2 DP to roll all strengt of effect dice with advantage for duration of the spell. This DP does not count against max DP per spell it can use.