Hit dice: 8
Skills increase: Arcana: 1 Nature: 1 Religion: 1
Spell Recovery. Whenever This creature finishes a rest it regains 1d4 DP.
Skills increase: Focus: 1 Medicine: 1 Necromancy: 1
Spell Recovery. Whenever This creature finishes a rest it regains 2d4 DP. At the same time This creature can also use any amount of hit dice, regaining DP equal to the amount rolled.
Skills increase: Engineering: 1 Life Force: 1 Resilience: 1
Spell Recovery. Whenever This creature finishes a rest it regains 2d4 DP. At the same time This creature can also use any amount of hit dice, regaining DP equal to the amount rolled. Whenever This creature spends 5 or more DP in a single turn it regains 1 DP at the end of that turn.
Trait increase: VIT: 1
Spell Recovery. Whenever This creature finishes a rest it regains 3d4 DP. At the same time This creature can also use any amount of hit dice, regaining DP equal to the amount rolled. Whenever This creature spends 5 or more DP in a single turn it regains 1 DP at the end of that turn. Whenever This creature regains DP it also regains 1d12 HP for every DP regained.