Age of Adventure


Hit dice: 8

Warchief 1

Skills increase: Adventuring: 1 Bravery: 1 Diplomacy: 1

Warchief. Whenever This creature uses its move action, it selects one creature within 5 m that can hear it. That creature can immediately move up to its movement speed.

Warchief 2

Skills increase: Exertion: 1 Intimidation: 1 Sleight: 1

Warchief. Whenever This creature uses its move action, it selects one creature within 5 m that can hear it. That creature can immediately move up to its movement speed. Whenever This creature makes melee attack against a creature another target creature of its choice can immediately make a melee attack that takes no more than ◆ against the same creature.

Warchief 3

Skills increase: Bravery: 1 Diplomacy: 1 Life Force: 1

Warchief. Whenever This creature uses its move action, it selects one creature within 5 m that can hear it. That creature can immediately move up to its movement speed. Whenever This creature makes melee attack against a creature another target creature of its choice can immediately make a melee attack that takes no more than ◆ against the same creature. All attacks against creatures in This creature's melee range by its allies are made with advantage.

Warchief 4

Trait increase: CHA: 1

Warchief. Whenever This creature uses its move action, it selects one creature within 5 m that can hear it. That creature can immediately move up to its movement speed. Whenever This creature makes melee attack against a creature another target creature of its choice can immediately make a melee attack that takes no more than ◆ against the same creature. All attacks against creatures in This creature's melee range by its allies are made with advantage. This creature gains +1 to its Block and Dodge for each ally it has in 3 m of it that is not incapacitated or mortally wounded.