Timed Bomb. Whenever This creature uses Plant action, they can specify time of up to 10 turns. Plant is delayed by the time specified and happens at initiative count of 20 when the time passes.
Timed Bomb. Whenever This creature uses Plant action, they can specify time of up to 1 hour. Plant is delayed by the time specified and happens at initiative count of 20 when the time passes. When you use Plant action you gain item called Detonator that is connected to Item. While This creature is holding detonator and has line of attack towards Item they can use ◆ to immediately cause Plant to go off.
Timed Bomb. Whenever This creature uses Plant action, they can specify time of up to 1 day. Plant is delayed by the time specified and happens at initiative count of 20 when the time passes. When you use Plant action you gain item called Detonator that is connected to Item. While This creature is holding detonator and is within 1 km of the Item they can use ◆ to immediately cause Plant to go off. Alternatively they can use ◆ to stop the timer until Item is planted again.
Timed Bomb. Whenever This creature uses Plant action, they can specify time. Plant is delayed by the time specified and happens at initiative count of 20 when the time passes. When you use Plant action you gain item called Detonator that is connected to Item. While This creature is holding detonator and is within 100 km of the Item they can use ◆ to immediately cause Plant to go off. Whenever the timer is stopped in this manner the creature can spend ◆ at any time later to set up a new timer, it they are still whitin range of Item