Fire Explosion. Whenever this item is consumed, all creatures within 1 m must make Dodge(AGI) check equal to or take 2d6 fire damage.
Fire Explosion. Whenever this item is consumed, all creatures within 1 m must make Dodge(AGI) check equal to or take 4d6 fire damage. On success the creature takes half of the damage.
Fire Explosion. Whenever this item is consumed, all creatures within 2 m must make Dodge(AGI) check equal to or take 6d6 fire damage. On complete failure a creature gains one level of on fire. On success the creature takes half of the damage and is not on fire.
Fire Explosion. Whenever this item is consumed, all creatures within 2 m must make Dodge(AGI) check equal to or take 8d6 fire damage. On failure a creature gains one level of on fire. On success the creature takes half of the damage and is not on fire.